Al Sharp – The Poke

Quite why I bothered to pick this up is anyone’s guess. The enigma that is Al Sharpe kinda called to me in some way. Was it the ridiculous flared suit that he was still wearing in 1982? Or the stark, empty room that this man was jiving in? Was it the vaguely unsavoury nature of the ‘move’ he was trying to populate or the retarded child-like speak of ‘Bwagahoobab wagahooga Magabiga bobabooga Magabwabo gabooba’ that circled his photo on the back?

Perhaps it was merely the fact that the flip was simply entitled “Keep On Pokin“. It had to be something. So what we have here is some strange, corny disco track – whether it’s merely a dance craze cash in or an deliberately unsubtle sexual innuendo is beside the point.

As Al says “In fact I’m never happier than when I’m busy poking”


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