Emerson Meyers: Provocative Electronics
How this harsh electronic record sneaked into the catalog of ABC’s Classical reissue label Westminster Gold is definitely one of the great mysteries of our time. I mean, sure, they were hip to put pictures of naked chicks on the front of Bach lp’s, but that in no way could have prepared listeners for the truely demonic sounds coming out of the Catholic University of America! God bless Professor Meyers for making one of the most noisy, chaotic, bugged-out electronic records I’ve ever heard. Highly recommended to any who this review has so far excited.
what’s it sound like tho?
I’ll make a clip tomorrow. It’s pretty intense.
Can you email me that?
These are the kinda records I want! just weird noises and shit, and when you play it people will be like “wtf are you listening to???!”
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