Hollywood Sessions 130

Ah, Song Poem records. Like the parent who’s never there for you yet you still seek their company. I have no idea why I still buy these. I’d try to argue that I have a particular weakness for this fuzzy felt stock sleeve, but let’s face it, even if it’d had one of the more hideous variations I’d still have bought the fucking thing. And the fact that this one is from ’88 intrigued me. Well, obviously this story has a happy ending or else I wouldn’t be here. Until someone steps up to battle I’m claiming Elton Hill’s “Stronger Than Before” by way of Buddy Raye the reigning champ of all Song Poem Rap. Ok this is only the second one I’ve ever found but still.



Not Like I even really need to post another track but I also liked this tale of being dumped over the phone set to music…



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