Jay Walker Effort – ‘Paper Dolls’ – Scott

Obscure acid rock stomper from Grand Rapids Michigan: fuzzy dual guitar shredding and psychedelic Leslie speaker vocals are backed by clattering drums & shaker action. An imaginative friend of mine once wrote that this group was likely “aiming for Cream, but ended up with something hipper, a band likely to appear on a 1968 bill with Mystic Siva & the Third Power at the Centerline VFW” – all that is colorful speculation however, as nothing is known about this release or the group behind it, save that the Scott imprint was related to the Fenton label – Western Michigan’s garage powerhouse…



  • Kris Holmes says:

    Very cool!

  • Mark Newman says:

    Jay Walker was a DJ at WGRD in those days. I had a tape of this song back then, but cannot find it anymore. It is GREAT to hear it again. Thanks.

  • Jay Walker and his alter ego George Gump, went from his Grand Rapids roots at WGRD to become a radio legend as “Sonny Fox.” He was a radio staple in the Miami area for over 20 years. He is currently the director of programming for two of the comedy channels on XM. I am so glad that you found this hidden gem in music history.

  • Sonny Fox says:

    That was the last of my band and yes, I was infulenced by Cream

  • Sonny Fox says:

    This was the last “version” of my band before i went into radio. Yes, I was infuenced by Cream and I liked the idea of a three piece power band. I actually drilled holes in my Gibson EBO bass and added a guitar string along side each bass string so I could play guitar and bass power riffs by myself. Thanks so much Greg for this recording. I don’t have a copy and it’s so fine to hear it again.

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