Jay Walker Effort – ‘Paper Dolls’ – Scott
Obscure acid rock stomper from Grand Rapids Michigan: fuzzy dual guitar shredding and psychedelic Leslie speaker vocals are backed by clattering drums & shaker action. An imaginative friend of mine once wrote that this group was likely “aiming for Cream, but ended up with something hipper, a band likely to appear on a 1968 bill with Mystic Siva & the Third Power at the Centerline VFW” – all that is colorful speculation however, as nothing is known about this release or the group behind it, save that the Scott imprint was related to the Fenton label – Western Michigan’s garage powerhouse…
Very cool!
Jay Walker was a DJ at WGRD in those days. I had a tape of this song back then, but cannot find it anymore. It is GREAT to hear it again. Thanks.
Jay Walker and his alter ego George Gump, went from his Grand Rapids roots at WGRD to become a radio legend as “Sonny Fox.” He was a radio staple in the Miami area for over 20 years. He is currently the director of programming for two of the comedy channels on XM. I am so glad that you found this hidden gem in music history.
That was the last of my band and yes, I was infulenced by Cream
This was the last “version” of my band before i went into radio. Yes, I was infuenced by Cream and I liked the idea of a three piece power band. I actually drilled holes in my Gibson EBO bass and added a guitar string along side each bass string so I could play guitar and bass power riffs by myself. Thanks so much Greg for this recording. I don’t have a copy and it’s so fine to hear it again.