Michael Garrick: The Heart Is A Lotus (Argo 1970)

Featuring collaborators Ian Carr, Don Rendell and Norma Winstone. I do really like this LP as a whole but somehow I feel there’s more in there that I haven’t picked up on. It seems to promise my expectations but I appear to be unable to track the true direction of the vibe on this LP. I think, however, this is more to do with me than the LP which does have several moments that I really do “get”. Up for inclusion here is the track”Blues on Blues” which may or may not exemplify the complex nature of this LP.

“Blues On Blues”

1 Comment

  • Milan says:

    I love this record too, but I recognize what you say. The coin hasn’t fallen yet. I think I’m going to put it on in a minute. Thanks for all your cool reviews.

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