Mystery Test Record
This record comes without labels or cover, so I have no idea what it is. Seems to be a test pressing of sorts. One side has typical test record stuff, with signals, a chunk of classical music and a bland pop song. Don’t know what happened and why, but on the flip side of this there’s something entirely different. First some electronic buzz travels from one speaker to the other to make way for a drummer who does a couple bars of a club type rhythm. That’s abandoned quickly and what follows is a free, effect laden drum solo accompanied by electronics. This long freak-out reminds of Roy Porter’s Drums for Daryl. It seems to have landed on vinyl by some happy accident.
is there info in the trail off wax? where did you find it?
Yeah, it says “Cerrone 1982 inciso a meta velocita Piero Mannucci” so that solves part of the mystery. I hadn’t thought of checking the run out groove. So is this actually Cerrone? He’s a drummer. But this doesn’t have a disco signature I’d say, apart from the first bars. More psycho freakout. I think Piero Mannucci was a producer. So what do we have here? Anyone?
“Cerrone 1982 recorded at half a speed” is the meaning of that sentence.
I ignore who is Piero Mannucci but it’s useful to read this page for reference
“Piero Mannucci worked for RCA as a sound technician”
wow, I had a hunch it was him, I’m nuts about his records, but I’ve never heard this before, would you part with it? are there any numbers in the trail off wax? If you’d be interested in a trade email me
Thanks Quidtum!
Would it really be Cerrone? I first thought it was the engineer’s talented nephew having a go in the studio or something. Number is just a 3, a triangle (A?) and a P.
Reminds me a bit of the “Sweet Drums” track off Cerrone’s Supernature. Thoughts?
it reminds me of Jacques Thollot “quand le son devient aigu jeter la giraffe a la mer” drums solos…