Richard R. Stuart PH.D: Surgical Anatomy Vol.3

Though this record is spoken in my native English (I think), I really can’t understand a damn thing he says on here. I guess these were to be used as teaching aides for Doctor’s who were learning how to cut up bodies and stuff. I really hope no one had to resort to dropping the needle on this while performing surgery though! ARGHHH!!! Anyhow, I found volumes 3 and 4 of this series in a thrift shop a couple years ago, and while I never listen to them, I’d real like to have 1,2,5, and 6. Holler if you can help me out.


  • Ed says:

    i would like a close up scan of this guys :icegrill:

    thank you.

  • hcrink says:

    will do… you won’t be disappointed…

  • daniel says:

    Squirelly. Is that a gang sign he’s making with his hands? only he and Dr. Jaques Hondorus know for sure.

  • hcrink says:

    They used to “roll” together.

  • jakasso says:

    oh this is good…

  • David P.. Stuart says:

    This is my father. He taught anatomy at the University of California. The records and books of his were rather hot items back when. I had him autograph a book for my high school teacher in the sixties. He died several years ago in Los Angeles. I would love to hear from you or anyone who happens to have any memorabilia of his. I certainly would pay to have any of this or copies. Thanks
    David P. Stuart
    24600 Mountain Ave. sp. 34
    Hemet, CA. 92544 cell 951.634.4885

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