Key Boys – Key Boys Gold
The Key Boys were a very successful Korean rock group that got their start by playing to American GIs stationed in Korea. Often called the Korean Yardbirds, their music ranged from tepid covers of American songs to fuzzy psych freakouts. Note, this isn’t the same group as the Key Brothers, however some of the members are the same. The Key Boys lasted a span of 8 years (1963-1971) before dissolving into various groups and solo careers (Key Brothers, He6, Guys & Dolls, etc.). During this time they recorded over 8 albums, this one being a compilation of their three albums that they recorded for Universal. Most of the songs on here are more on the poppier side but there are a few nice garage/psych tracks too. The two standout tracks for me are My Love is Distant and A Sailor’s Song. Both have this cool lo-fi/garagey sound that make the drums sound like they were recorded in a tunnel, in addition to the great fuzzy guitar and heavy bass.
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Attorney Thomas Ferrero, 2015 Gold Key awardee, was nominated by Mel Herncane of Boys and Girls Club of Massillon.