Erotica – The Rhythms Of Love FAX 1001
OG Record Porn from the great people at Fax Records out of Hollywood California. It isn’t dated but I’m guessing its pretty old 50’s or 60’s due to the appearance of the album. Basically you have 2 sides of people having sex on one of those old steel spring mattress. Then for some reason there is bongos overdubbed. I can only imagine the awkwardness of that recording session. Truly an oddity that is also kind of creepy.
oh theres a series of these lurid sex records. i have one called “sex is my business” which has supposed testimonials of whores and pimps or whatevers. i actually havent listened to it but now that ive been reminded.
Yes got this in 60`s a rare bird of an album
boring to some exciting to others, actually very
relaxing used to use it to get sleepy , kinda wish
there were more like it could become helpful for
some , Therapeutic ! RM